Part L Compliance Report Donegal

If you are building a new home or renovating an existing home, Part L of the building regulations sets out the requirements for the conservation of fuel and energy of your home. Your new home must comply with these regulations. Part L of the building regulations was significantly updated in 2019 and now requires that new homes are nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB). This means, on completion, they will typically have a Building Energy Rating (BER) of A2. It also states that a reasonable proportion of the energy requirements for new dwellings must be generated by renewable energy source. Renewable energy can include biomass, solar, and heat-pump technologies.
Part L Compliance Report Donegal Ireland
Part L 2019 will result in new homes that are “70% more energy efficient and emit 70% less carbon dioxide than 2005 performance level” (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Press Release, 26 September 2019). Ireland is very progressive in the way they effectively design and implement energy efficiency strategies for new buildings and building renovations and is viewed as been a role model for many other EU countries.
Part L Compliance Report is a “provisional” BER. Relevant information is inputted into DEAP (Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure) Software, which calculates the energy performance of the home. It identifies how the new building will comply with current Building Regulations Part L when it is built. It is also complemented by the Amendments to Part F (Ventilation) of building regulations. If NZEB standards are to be achieved, attention needs to be placed on air tightness in a building and more effective ventilation systems.
When do I need a Part L Compliance Report

When do I need a Part L Compliance Report?

A Part L is required by the local planning authority when undertaking a new build. In Donegal it is submitted with your commencement notice once you receive planning permission.

What is included in the Part L Compliance Report?

The Part L report is an extensive document that sets out the energy usage and carbon emission levels for the dwellings. The aim of the Part L is to reduce the use of fossil fuels to heat your home, but it also results in a home that is very energy efficient and cost effective to heat while maintaining high comfort levels. The Part L report includes a road map for your architect, building contractor or engineer to follow throughout the build. It includes a build up of walls, floors and roofs, windows and doors. It also includes ventilation, airtightness, space heating, water heating, lighting and renewables.
What is included in the Part L Compliance Report

Frequently Asked Questions about Part L Compliance Donegal

What is a Part L Compliance Report?

A Part L compliance report is required under the Irish Building Regulations for New Builds and Major Renovations. The Part L refers to the fuel and energy use of the dwelling and is required for domestic dwelling planning applications. EnerRating regularly work in partnership with architects throughout Donegal to complete the Part L report for their clients.

How much does a Part L Compliance Report cost in Donegal?

A Part L report costs between €250 and €300. Call us for a quick quote.

What is required as part of the Part L Report?

A technical assessment is required prior to applying for the SEAI Heat Pump Grant. A technical assessment provides a more detailed technical report on energy efficient upgrades than a BER. It can be carried out prior to undertaking a major retrofit of a property as it gives the homeowner a more detailed and clear roadmap.

What is required when undertaking a major renovations / extension?

In November 2019, amendments were made to Part L and Part F of the building regulations that affect major renovations and extensions. If the extension is more than 25% of the buildings surface area there is now a requirement that the whole building should achieve a BER of B2 or cost optimal level.

Are there government grants available?

If you are interested in undertaking Energy Efficient Improvements on your property there are Home Energy Grants available through The Sustainable Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Further information can be found in our blog on Government Grants.